Play all your sports on one court.
Southwest Courts & Floors, Inc., is the exclusive provider of SPORT COURT branded surfaces and components for both outdoor game courts and indoor gymnasium flooring. Its network of exclusive SPORT COURT Dealers has over 125 years of court building and sports flooring experience in Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico. Investing in Sport Court products means you will have the safest surfaces to play on and a lifetime relationship with the Number 1 Dealer Network in the country. Make sure SPORT COURT is the name under your game!
What Our Clients Say...
“I could only play on concrete for 30 minutes or so before my body started hurting, once we had the Sport Court surfacing, my brother and I were able to play 1 on 1 for hours without my joints hurting. The cushion makes a huge difference!” - Tariq Malik, Austin TX
“As we spend more time at home now our sport court is getting so much use. Uncertain of when school and summer camps will resume, we need a sports outlet for the kids. Kids need a place to be active and engaged outdoors. It’s essential to the wellbeing of the entire family, Mom included! We enjoy our Sport Court very much.” – Lyra P.
“You originally constructed my Sport Court® in 1980 when my daughter was in middle school and my son was a freshman in high school. I feel that this contributed to their success as athletics in high school. My son played football and my daughter played several sports but she excelled in basketball she was selected to the All-District First Team.” – Jenalou H.
“Tornados ripped through our area the other night. We had our roof blow off, we had oak trees snap in half, and the court was covered with debris and trees. When we finally got it cleaned up, I couldn’t believe that the (Sport Court) surface was intact and looked great. The only damage I can see is one or two tiles where our largest oak fell on it.” - Donna Watters, Dallas
“I know what it takes to stay in business 40 years…good people , do what you say you will do and when you say you will do it, quality work and great service after the sale! You deliver on all fronts and I am proud to call you friends and business associates! Congrats and keep up the good work!!” -Don Al Ringler -Don Ringler Automotive Temple, TX
“As you can imagine, we have every level of player coming over to the house and they all enjoy playing on the court. My husband and I have played and coached basketball for many years and we’re please with the quality of the product, professionalism of the installation and promptness of the install” - Vicki B. - Head Girls Coach Bowie High School
“Our family of four absolutely loves the court and find ourselves using it more than we had expected. The quality of the product is outstanding-we have not found a thing we considered less than first class.” - Breyfogle Family - Austin, TX
“We have found that the Sport Court constructed at our home has proven to be a lasting, quality amenity to our home, serving us well over the 27 years. We are appreciative of your efforts and thankful we decided to have it installed” - Bob & Penny P.